Because you have better things to do.
Renew your mortgage with Click to keep more of your money, and spend less of your life doing it.
Get $500 Cash Back. It’s true.
Yes, you get $500 cash back when you renew your mortgage with Click. No red tape, no weird terms* – just cold hard cash (ok it’s a cheque but you get the idea). Cashback offers are facilitated by Quantus Mortgage Solutions, require a minimum mortgage amount, and may not be combined with other offers.
Know All Your Options
Mortgages are not one size fits all. We know everything that’s out there and find the best options for you.
Better Rates and Conditions
We go out of our way to find you the best rates, features, and fine print to keep more money in your bank account.
Fast and Easy
Renewing a mortgage can be simple, without leaving money on the table. Ditch the Tylenol and renew with Click.
Renew your mortgage the painless (and paperless) way.
Renewing a mortgage doesn’t have to take up hours and hours of your time. Put our process to work for you and get back to life fast.
Real people, real reviews.

Starting your renewal is just a Click away.
Apply online 24/7/365. No cost, no commitment.
Sequence shortened. OAC. E&O.E. Subject to change with no notice. Additional conditions or exclusions may apply. The amount of time it takes to process your application varies depending on complexity, and the completeness of your application when you submit it. Cashback offers are facilitated by Quantus Mortgage Solutions, require a minimum mortgage amount, and may not be combined with other offers.